Show HN: Slime OS – An open-source app launcher for RP2040 based devices

154 points by abeisgreat 10 days ago

Hey all - this is the software part of my cyberdeck, called the Slimedeck Zero.

The Slimedeck Zero is based around this somewhat esoteric device called the PicoVision which is a super cool RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico) based device. It outputs relatively high-res video over HDMI while still being super fast to boot with low power consumption.

The PicoVision actually uses two RP2040 - one as a CPU and one as a GPU. This gives the CPU plenty of cycles to run bigger apps (and a heavy python stack) and lets the GPU handle some of the rendering and the complex timing HDMI requires. You can do this same thing on a single RP2040, but we get a lot of extra headroom with this double setup.

The other unique thing about the PicoVision is it has a physical double-buffer - two PSRAM chips which you manually swap between the CPU and GPU. This removes any possibility of screen tearing since you always know the buffer your CPU is writing to is not being used to generate the on-screen image.

For my cyberdeck, I took a PicoVision, hacked a QWERTY keyboard from a smart TV remote, added an expansion port, and hooked it all up to a big 5" 800x480 screen (interlaced up from 400x240 internal resolution).

I did a whole Slimedeck Zero build video ( ) over on my channel but I really hope Slime OS can have a life of it's own and fit onto multiple form-factors with an ecosystem of apps.

I've tried to make it easy and fun to write apps for. There's still a lot broken / missing / tbd but it's enough of a base that, personally, it already sparks that "programming is fun again" vibe so hopefully some other folks can enjoy it!

Right now it only runs on the PicoVision but there's no reason it couldn't run on RP2350s or other hardware - but for now I'm more interested in adding more input types (we're limited to the i2c TV remote keyboard I hacked together) and fleshing out the internal APIs so they're stable enough to make apps for it!

rambambram 10 days ago

I watched your video earlier today and I want to thank your for the inspiring project and the funny presentation!

tmzt 8 days ago

I watched the video and am curious about the protocol loading apps from add-ons. Do the resistors j7st say what k8nd of connection is used (i2c, serial, etc)?

Also, I've been looking for cyberdeck and clamshell designs using CM4 and am impressed with how you sourced the keyboard. Is there a reason the replace the matrix chip with an i2c extender and not use the original chip?

lioeters 8 days ago

This is such a fun project, both the hardware and software. The video is so well-made too! I love the light-hearted tone, fast-paced but with every step explained. I will keep going deeper to learn what I can of the details. Thanks for creating this and sharing with the world. I sure am inspired by it.

tym0 9 days ago

Reminds me of Mirage OS for TI Calculators.

I watched the build video and I was completely sucked in, fun project and great presentation.

mouse_ 10 days ago

Love it!!!