xrd 7 hours ago

Can someone explain to me why this makes a difference in the drug war and the Trump promise to stop fentanyl?

It sounds like the Mexican government arrested them over ten years ago. Is the worry that they would get off and return to leading Los Zetas?

Is this symbolic that Trump can parade them into the US court system?

This feels like more reality TV DEA work than something substantive but I'm biased.

  • LosTrumpCartel 6 hours ago

    You're looking for logic where there is none.

    I pondered to myself why the Mexican government hadn't done this before. The most likely reason is that it was never requested.

    Still there is risk for Mexico doing this. The cartels could start attacking Mexican police, civilians and politicians in retaliation.

    • rasz an hour ago

      >The cartels could start attacking Mexican police, civilians and politicians in retaliation.

      That would be unprecedented.


  • moralestapia 5 hours ago

    Yeah, I can explain.

    Prison in the US is much worse than prison in Mexico, particularly if you're wealthy. No special privileges up there.

    Also, they won't be able to run things from there.

    And the US government will get a ton of valuable information from "interviewing" them.

    Multiply that x 29 and you'll see how this is a massive win.

tibbydudeza 2 hours ago

It is like a Hydra - chop off one head and two or more emerges.

We have a similar problem with drug gangs in our city - leaders get killed and arrests are made but the trade continues - they are better at succession planning than most businesses.