kentonv 4 days ago

Hey Terin! Nice post!

I also netboot Windows this way! To run a 20 machines in my house off the same base disk image, which we use for LAN parties. I have code and an extensive guide on GitHub:

It looks like you actually figured out something I failed at, though: installing Windows directly over iSCSI from the start. I instead installed to a local device, and then transferred the disk image to the server. I knew that building a WinPE environment with the right network drivers would probably help here, but I got frustrated trying to use the WinPE tools, which seemed to require learning a lot of obscure CLI commands (ironically, being Windows...).

You observed some slowness using Windows over the network. I did too, when I was doing it with 1G LAN, but I've found on 10G it pretty much feels the same as local.

BTW, a frustrating thing: The Windows 10->11 updater also seemingly fails to include network drivers and so you can't just upgrade over iSCSI. I'm still stuck on Windows 10 so I'm going to have to reinstall everything from scratch sometime this year. Maybe I'll follow your guide to use WinPE this time.

  • terinjokes 4 days ago

    Hey Kenton!

    I figured you had done something similar with the LAN Party House. If I hadn't figured it out I was going to ask/look for your setup.

    > You observed some slowness using Windows over the network.

    Mini-ITX makes it a bit difficult to upgrade to 10GbE (only one PCIe slot!), and the slowness isn't bad enough in-game to deal with upgrading it just yet.

    > BTW, a frustrating thing: The Windows 10->11 updater also seemingly fails to include network drivers and so you can't just upgrade over iSCSI.

    I've read (and also observed, now) that if you install directly on iSCSI Windows doesn't make the recovery partition. This evidently also breaks 10->11 upgrades.

    • xen2xen1 4 days ago

      God bless you for this sir. I've been wanting to get Windows iscsi boot working, but there's always one more thing. Did you get anything else fun working with ipxe? all the exampled online seem so outdated.

      • toast0 4 days ago

        If you get (i)pxe running, you can chain to which lets you boot lots of open source stuff.

        It's a bit of a mixed bag, because pxe environments have a way of not always being useful. On bios boot, there's tools from isolinux to memory load disk images and hook the bios calls... but if your OS of choice doesn't use bios calls for storage, it needs a driver that can find the disk image in memory.

        For uefi boot, there's not a good way to do this, supposedly some uefi environments can load disk images from the network, but afaik, it's not something you can do from ipxe. Instead, for UEFI, the folks have some other approaches; typically fetching the kernel and initrd separately or otherwise repackaging things rather than using official ISO images.

        And I've run into lots of cases where while pxe seems to work, maybe the keyboard doesn't work in pxe, or something else doesn't get properly initialized and you end up having a better time if you give up and boot from USB.

      • terinjokes 4 days ago

        Since the goal was just to have non-virtualized Windows to satisfy game developers, I haven't tried much else. Sorry.

        > all the exampled online seem so outdated.

        Many of the guides felt like they've been only slightly dusted since the Windows XP days. I've seen none that even hinted at making the DVD ISO a target, leading me to believe it wasn't well supported 20 years ago.

        • wolrah 4 days ago

          > I've seen none that even hinted at making the DVD ISO a target, leading me to believe it wasn't well supported 20 years ago.

          One of the most underrated things about UEFI in my opinion is how it made booting simple. No longer did you need to use special tools (or arcane knowledge) to stick a special real-mode binary in to a normally hidden area of your intended media, now you just drop a few PE binaries in a filesystem your UEFI can read and let it figure itself out.

          I just created a bootable restore image for one of my clients and it's literally a zip file that can be extracted in to the root of a FAT32 disk drive and will boot on any x86-64 UEFI PC, with Secure Boot fully operational. No special tools required, just drop files on any disk using a filesystem any computer that matters can read/write.

          • hulitu 29 minutes ago

            > One of the most underrated things about UEFI in my opinion is how it made booting simple. No longer did you need to use special tools (or arcane knowledge) to stick a special real-mode binary in to a normally hidden area of your intended media, now you just drop a few PE binaries in a filesystem your UEFI can read and let it figure itself out.

            In theory, yes. In practice, booting Slackware (elilo) from UEFI has been a challenge.

          • lmz 4 days ago

            I guess for removable media that's fine, but Windows still likes to hide the ESP.

            • wolrah 2 days ago

              > I guess for removable media that's fine, but Windows still likes to hide the ESP.

              It's not hidden, it's shown in disk management, it's just not mounted by default.

              IMO that is perfectly reasonable considering 99.999% of users will never want or need to do anything with it and those who do want/need to access it should have no problem finding a single well-documented command. For everyone else it's just a "delete system32" level temptation to do something stupid that'll break their system.

              mountvol <letter>: /s

              I honestly have no idea what it'll do if multiple EFI system partitions are present though. I presume this command will mount the one Windows has booted from.

              • lmz 2 days ago

                Yeah, but even then to change the default loader you'll need to point it to something else using some arcane bcdedit command. Dropping some PE binaries is not good enough.

                • wolrah a day ago

                  Or just boot in to the EFI config interface and set a new default that way.

                  • lmz a day ago

                    Only if it's registered! Registering a new binary isn't usually in the customer motherboard menus.

        • RulerOf 4 days ago

          I may have written one of those dusty guides in my younger days.

          >I've seen none that even hinted at making the DVD ISO a target, leading me to believe it wasn't well supported 20 years ago.

          iPXE has always supported this, but the devil is always in the details.

          Windows Setup has a disk-bootability-validation step that it runs before it'll let you install Windows. It checks that the firmware can actually see the drive (i.e. it was present during system boot) and understands the boot chain, looking for the ESP or MBR that will actually load Windows once Setup completes.

          There's something about loading more than one disk into the iBFT[1] and hooking those disks into INT13 on a BIOS-based system that very frequently breaks one of those checks. You try to select a disk and Windows Setup complains about not being able to verify that it's bootable.

          It'd all likely work just fine on a typical UEFI system these days.

          Of course, since it's Windows, there's no "I checked and it's okay please install anyway" button. But I'm pretty sure you can just apply the wim manually from the command line and install the bootloader, but I was never clear if that process implemented the driver reflection step necessary to ensure the NIC would start on boot...

          It's unfortunate that Windows Setup itself isn't open-source. It'd probably have made the time I spent doing this stuff a lot more interesting.

          [1]: iSCSI Boot Firmware Table is a memory structure used to pass iSCSI disks from a firmware-level software initiator to the OS-level software initiator after the kernel takes over the hardware


          • terinjokes 4 days ago

            Thanks, I skimmed some details about iBFT (mostly reading what the Linux kernel does with it) before writing the post, and came away with it likely being a difference in how things were hooked up in BIOS vs UEFI systems. Thanks for your perspective on it!

    • kentonv 4 days ago

      Oh, maybe the lack of recovery partition is my real problem, because I definitely deleted mine. The installer isn't really clear why it's failing, it just does its thing for a bit and then reboots into Windows 10 and says it didn't work, no explanation.

      • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

        Things like this iPXE have a similarity to multibooting to where you may be a lot better off NOT having a (single) dedicated Recovery partition at all, but you need full responsiveness to Windows Update.

        And please no hibernation for multibooting. POWERCFG /H OFF.

        For recovery manipulation you need to utilize the REAGENTC command, and take advantage of the existing default C:\Recovery folder. Normally this is not considered the best location for "recovery" since if C: gets borked so does default recovery console.

        And this really gives an example of essential use of inbuilt Helps.

        On a mainstream system all you have is a single (hidden) ESP volume containing its EFI folder:

        In admin CMD, type Bcdedit /Enum All to show all your boot entries.

        If "recovery" is even set up, there will be a Boot Loader entry where the Device is a Ramdisk. If so there will also be a volume letter in square brackets if the target volume is unhidden at the time.

        But for those of you with no recovery set up, you get to do it yourself as you see fit.

        Type Reagentc /info, it will confirm recovery is disabled.

        Reagentc /? gives you the next clue, the example /setreimage.

        Copy the displayed REAGENTC.EXE /setreimage /? from the display down to the active command line (or just type it in). You get two syntax examples, it's the second one. But you probably don't even have an R: volume and you want to use C: anyway to make Windows more self-sufficient from its own partition.

        edit it so:

        REAGENTC.EXE /setreimage /path c:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows

        After this operation is successful, there is still no apparent change under Reagentc /info, recovery is still disabled. And your BCD remains unchanged with no ramdisk object yet.

        "Reagentc /enable" will then autoadd the ramdisk recovery bootentry to the BCD, directing the recovery routine (when triggered) to point to your C: volume which will always exist accessibly, plus most likely have enough free drive space to accommodate the larger updates to the recovery WIM files themselves, which are recently giving users show-stoppers when their dedicated factory recovery partitions were not big enough for that.

        Now for the good news.

        Once you find a ramdisk recovery bootentry in your BCD, an easy baby-step toward multibooting is a piece of cake. Everybody already has a Windows boot menu that you are using every time you boot, it is simply not displayed if there is only one entry, like most factory set ups.

        So add the Recovery Console to the menu your dang self.

        It can come in really handy.

        From the Bcdedit output text, copy the shown GUID for the main ramdisk recovery object, so you can paste afterward and don't have to type it all into the following command:

        bcdedit /displayorder {your-guid-here} /addlast

        Then if you don't want to maintain the default 30 second timeout before progressing to the default OS on the bootmenu, set it for something like 5 seconds:

        bcdedit /timeout 5

        That's it.

        Now if you don't have a touchscreen, you probably would be better off with the "legacy" text menu, for that you would need to change the bootmenupolicy from Standard to Legacy for the GUIDs that have a bootmenupolicy. Bcdedit /set {target-guid-here} bootmenupolicy Legacy.

        Also remember if using Powershell it's still having trouble with the curly brackets so in every case they need to be quoted like Bcdedit /set "{target-guid-here}" bootmenupolicy Legacy.

    • xen2xen1 4 days ago

      Also interesting using it as an EFI executable. Remind me to start adding that to the menu of ... well, everything.

  • kennysoona 4 days ago

    Did you run into any licensing issues with your setup?

    • kentonv 4 days ago

      Microsoft keeps track of licenses in some cloud database keyed by machine fingerprint, so if you run the same image on multiple machines it's supposed to work fine. I have actually purchased licenses for all the machines.

      I have found, though, that sometimes machines don't actually query Microsoft for activation info, and instead complain about activation after a few hours. If I then manually go to the activation settings and click "troubleshoot activation", then it realizes that it's already registered in the Microsoft database and it stops complaining.

      But this is really annoying to have to do for every machine at every party, so more commonly we just don't bother, and some people end up with the annoying "Activate Windows" overlay in the corner. But it's actually far enough into the corner and subtle enough that often people just don't even notice it's there and it's fine...

      • jmb99 4 days ago

        If you’ve already purchased licenses, have you considered using more “illicit” means keep the machines activated?

  • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

    Love that party house !

    Looks like you have a similar soundbar to my LP-S08.

    I had to open it up to access the battery, and interestingly the audio output on the PCB was naturally laid out for stereo operation like you would expect.

    Except on mine only one channel of the PCB was populated from the factory, the other channel empty, and it was output to both speakers as mono not stereo.

  • amazingamazing 4 days ago

    I recently saw this and want to do something similar with just 4 machines to play relatively simple games (e.g. age of empires). I might follow what you have here directly, but am also considering just using a single machine with 4 vms.

    The big constraint for me is I don't want to buy a bunch of hardware.

MortyWaves 4 days ago

> You probably want to remove the disks anyways so Windows doesn’t install its boot manager to an EFI System Partition on a local disk. To boot with iPXE later, you’ll want Windows to create an EFI System Partition on the iSCSI disk. ↩

Oh the frustrations I’ve had with Windows and more than one disk during install. For months I had Windows installed on SSD, except the bootloader was on a HDD. I didn’t even realise till I removed the HDD and got the familiar no boot drive found.

Turns out if a drive has Windows on it, and then you decide to install Windows on a new drive, it will detect that bootloader on the old drive and use that. Instead of putting it on the drive you just asked it to install Windows to.

Lesson learned here is always unplug any other drives when installing Windows!

  • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

    With the latest W11 you get even more :\

    When you install it to a system with other partitions or drives that are accessible, it silently autoencrypts them all using Bitlocker which is now on by default.

    It's not too bad unencrypting your C: volume afterward with a few clicks, but if you don't have a Microsoft Account then you won't have a readily available key (to type in) or easy decryption option for the other volumes. It can be a lot easier to reformat and recover those non-C: volumes from backup than bother to decrypt, you've got to virtually overwrite the entire drives anyway :(

    Simply installing the latest Windows is definitely more likely to be the direct cause for loss of more gigabytes than most malware I've seen.

    It didn't used to be this way.

    • kentonv 4 days ago

      LOL they accidentally(?) created ransomware. "We've encrypted all your files. Want them back? You must sign up for a Microsoft account."

    • kennysoona 4 days ago

      > When you install it to a system with other partitions or drives that are accessible, it silently autoencrypts them all using Bitlocker

      Only NTFS/FAT drives, right?

      • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

        As far as I know.

        I assign the standard Linux GUIDs on non-Windows volumes to be sure, as appropriate even though the regular "Basic Volume" GUID is often found since it works "for all".

        The standard Linux Partition_type_GUIDs as shown in Wikipedia (please refer to it) after expanding ("show") the condensed table:

        4F68BCE3-E8CD-4DB1-96E7-FBCAF984B709 for the OS root

        0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4 for data

        8484680C-9521-48C6-9C11-B0720656F69E for usr

        0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F for swap

        These can be SET ID from Windows, plus you can set GPT Attributes to hidden and/or readonly temporarily because it is getting more difficult to trust Windows so that's why I'm experimenting so much.

        Also you can safely change the ESP volume GUID from standard to basic, and Windows will most likely still boot normally on many PCs, you can then assign a volume letter to the ESP and after another reboot have full admin access to the ESP and its black pearl, the EFI folder within, from the GUI.

        Standard ESP C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B

        Basic Data EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7

        Check my other extensive comment coming soon. :)

    • exe34 4 days ago

      that's hilarious! I'm on nixos and the only time I had to mess with the partitions was when the old ssd died about 5 years ago and I got a new one.

  • delta_p_delta_x 4 days ago

    > always unplug any other drives when installing Windows!

    Many motherboards and enterprise notebooks have functionality to disable SATA/NVMe ports, so there's increasingly less need to faff with physically unplugging discs.

    • smittywerben 4 days ago

      It's easy when SATA drives are stacked to unplug the ones you want.

      It's not easy when M.2 requires removing a heatsink to press the PCI-e unlock to extract the 2 ton GPU to access the primary M.2 slot underneath to use your screwdriver on the screw the size of a PopRock clinging on trying to not shake because it's holding onto the screwdriver with the magnetic force equivalent of a fridge magnet.

      Swapping the actual nvme drive out is easy. But then getting that screw back in is even worse than removing it. Sometimes you get lucky and the motherboard is improving the hotswapping capability with the newest yearly reimplementation of a screw with a string on it so if your screwdriver has trouble holding a fridge magnet against the gravity of the earth then the string keeps the screw from phase warping. My favorite has been the rubber peg designs but we're 10 years out from combining the peg with the string tech.

      That's when reading the manual to figure out the port numbers to disable in the BIOS makes sense. It just seems like missed opportunity they didn't make M.2 external facing.

      • delta_p_delta_x 4 days ago

        I should've clarified: they include functionality to disable these ports directly in the UEFI firmware. No need to open up the enclosure at all.

        • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

          Too bad my Lenovo lets me disable the SATA but not NvMe :(

          Plus I remember doing this for years under bios until some version of NT6 came along and Windows could access them even when disabled in BIOS on some mainboards.

  • smittywerben 4 days ago

    Whenever Windows self-repairs the bootloader it makes me want to learn DOS.

    • fuzzfactor 4 days ago

      Learn the modern equivalent, the CMD console.

      You really want the Administrative Command Prompt for best functionality.

      However, remember if using Powershell instead it's still having trouble with the curly brackets so in every case they need to be quoted in commands, such as this example:

      Bcdedit /set "{default}" Description "Win11 23H2 on Dell 512gb SSD part 2"

      Which gives a much more useful description than the plain "Windows 11" that exists already on installations otherwise. Even though these "descriptions" never display until there are more than one choice on the bootmenu.

      Concentrate on the commands, BCDEDIT, BCDBOOT, and familiarize with DISKPART which opens its own sub-shell to handle drives. When you are done with Diskpart, you have to type "exit" to go back to the regular command line,

      Inbuilt Help docs for the regular command prompt are obtained the same old DOS way, for example "bcdedit /?".

      As an example, Bcdedit is too complex to learn from the Help messages, and there are hidden sub-help "chapters" which add to the confusion, so learn this one from the internet and its expert examples.

      OTOH Bcdboot is straightforward, but either way, to access a particular (naturally hidden) EFI folder (other than the one you are booted from at the time) on a chosen HDD or SSD you would first have to make the volume visible by giving it an alphabetic designator using Diskpart, the ASSIGN command.

      Under Diskpart, ASSIGN, "GPT ATTRIBUTES", SETID, ATTRIBUTES are 4 good ones to know even if you are not going to use Diskpart for partitioning.

      While in the Diskpart sub-shell, the inbuilt Help docs are accessed their own way, type "help assign" for instance to get Assign syntax examples.

      OTOH with the Attributes command, "Help Attributes" only tells you that you need to use "Help Attributes Volume" or "Help Attributes Disk" instead to get the examples you have in mind.

      A lot of this stuff I know already but I still use the help docs a lot to copy & paste the syntax examples from the CMD window into Notepad for editing before copying back to execute.

      • NikkiA 4 days ago

        I type `bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi` so many times a year that it's probably getting close to time to buy a macro keyboard so I can set it up on a macro.

        • terinjokes 4 days ago

          I have rEFInd on a USB stick because I need to recover bootloaders on machines often enough. I commented on Lobsters recently the errors I've seen over the years.[0]

          systemd-boot installs itself as bootx64.efi (or platform equivalent) if it doesn't already exist, and most motherboards will scan for it, which has reduced how often I need the USB stick.


ahepp 4 days ago

I'm going to try this out later! Hopefully it works with a Unix iSCSI daemon.

I have been doing this with a lot of my machines at home, and it's been awesome. Swapping what OS boots on what machine is as simple as symlinking a MAC address to a directory on my TFTP server.

I wrote up some notes for doing this on Unix systems:

Looking at it again now, it seems as though these instructions assume the system is being booted in a VM. It's not substantially more difficult to boot on real hardware, as long as you add the relevant network drivers to your initramfs and handle changes to any interface names.

muhehe 4 days ago

Instead of hiding which game it is, the company should be properly shamed.

  • glitchc 4 days ago

    There's more than one. I originally thought it was LoL, but then he mentions Steam at the end.

    • acgh213 4 days ago

      if I had to guess from personal experience, Destiny 2 is in this exact situation.

      someone even patched out the checks and got it running and was still caught and banned permanently [1]

      it's a shame too because it ran on stadia for years before Google killed it and that ran Linux as it's main system. so there's clearly the ability. just a desire to prevent it at all levels


INTPenis 4 days ago

In my experience booting VMs over iSCSI at home the network speed made it practically unusable. I'm happy Terin got Windows working though.

Clearly it depends a lot on the network backend.

  • nicman23 4 days ago

    if you do not do rdma the latency kills everything from what i understand.

tehcopec 4 days ago

I ran a bunch of workstations with Windows 7 for many years this way, also using the predecessor of PrimoCache with local SSDs with a cache. I had an OpenSolaris server for the backing storage with ZFS/COMSTAR.

I've been pretty much Linux only for the last ~15 years or so, but NVMe/TCP is so much faster. I would look at doing a secondary disk applications using NVMe/TCP once booted.

  • mrspuratic 4 days ago

    I used to netboot Windows 95 on a campus Novell network... you can probably work out how long ago that was ;) It started booting a 1.44MB floppy boot image of DOS 7 via (IIRC) BootWare boot ROM (pre-PXE) and switching to Windows using Joe Doupnik's installation method. In fact I was lucky enough to get Joe to help out in person on his way back from a nearby conference.

    Performance was not where it needed to be though, we switched to a netboot way of imaging Windows 95 onto the local disk -- actually 2 images, a "good" copy on a hidden partition that could quickly replace the live version when it hit cruft force 4 or thereabouts; and running (almost) everything else over the network. Fun fact: ~1200 PCs used to run an awk (gawk.exe v3.0) configuration script during boot.

    • tehcopec 4 days ago

      Haha, that's awesome!

ratiolat 3 days ago

Excellent job! How did you approach the licensing matter, as in order to customise Windows installation media and in order to be compliant with licensing terms one needs to solve (and pay for) this non-trivial puzzle if it can be solved in the first place: ?

I guess Microsoft has to make money somehow, but it's not funny. And the worst thing is that you somehow have to magically know this.

  • terinjokes 3 days ago

    You should speak with your lawyers for concerns about licensing.

    I'd note that the installation media was not modified (the DVD ISO provided by Microsoft was used unmodified), only the preinstallation media was modified (governed by ADK license).

    As an individual installing onto one machine already licensed, I'm not really worried here.

baumschubser 3 days ago

OT, but for a moment I read that as netbook with Win 11 and got way more excited about that headline than I expected.

I want netbooks back I think.

KaiserPro 4 days ago

Hahaha, this is batshit, and I am here for it.

I knew it was possible, as I'd seen some thin terminals doing something similar (using ephemeral filesystems though) However I've only ever done something like this for linux, rather than windows.

Excellent work, I salute your skill.

  • toredash 4 days ago

    Next challenge: Wifi

curtisszmania 4 days ago

Netbooting Windows11 with iSCSI and iPXE sounds like a game-changer for streamlining deployments.I've always been fascinated by how tech can transform operations.This approach feels like the equivalent of switching from dial-up to broadband.Imagine the time saved and the consistency achieved across systems.As someone deeply involved in HealthTech, the implications for secure, scalable environments in our sector are huge.It's not just about tech; it's about enabling innovation at a pace that was unimaginable a decade ago.Curious to see how this evolves and impacts our industry's landscape.Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible.