Ask HN: Works Related to Task Decomposition?
A large portion of engineering at scale involves task decomposition. Task decomposition as a skill in a work environment is everywhere. Are there any books or research papers that have exclusively investigated this process?
Review/look at anything that has an abstraction / implimentation aspect (aka protocols / specifications / design implimentations / public "source material") .
Examine how things are stratified (deterministic vs. context sensitive 'deterministic group(s)' -- and what influences determinism/context sensitivity). aka iso/osi network communications model[4].
Keep in mind K.I.S.S. / occam's rasor philosophies!
a) pick just a single logical plane/level to look at within a design stack. aka -> database & sql; database & hard drive storage; hard drive storage layout (OS vs. drive physical layout & drive storage/reterival (scsi vs. non-scsi api)
a) Any foundations of math class.
b) Simple physics problems with single logical type that be described by math eqation(s). aka no multivariate analysis.
c) "LISP: A Lanaguage For Stratified Design"(1987)[0] by H. Abelson and G. Sussman. (vs. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)
d) A "Git" softare repository (where should be separation between OS, main mechanics of program, libraries, "implimentation details", etc)
e) Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by P van der Linden
d) Look at comparisons between types of mechanical engineering geers and associated logical groupings & how that'd correspond to electrical engineering boolean logic / pc 'units' aka add-in boards; processor types, gpu,cpu, etc aka rotational to linear motion / find that info on the hard drive disk :
e) picture to excel[1] :
f) design / implimentation of <insert relevant programming language / kernel / system> [2][3]
From Civil Engineering aspect, pouring concrete, logistical decomposition done by determinisic tasks with respect to external/intermal time effects on 'density changes'. aka getting everyting (including mixed concrete) on site before concrete goes from indeterminate/non-finite form to deterministic/final form. (where different material densities of concret make for a more complete manuver than just a move from pt a to point b logisics). aka acutely aware of gravity of situation.
[0] :
[1] : picture to excel:
[2] : smalltalk :
[3] : unix file system :
[4] : network models :