johntitorjr 4 hours ago

Emulsifiers cause leaky gut. Leaky gut causes inflammation.

The article says that eating food with emulsifiers is better than eating bacon or candy. That doesn't sound like a good reason to consume emulsifiers, it sounds like a resignation that we have no power over the food available to us.

The use of emulsifiers by food manufacturers is leveraging an externality, they save/make more money in exchange for individuals spending more on healthcare and lost opportunity cost from feeling unwell.

mint2 6 hours ago

There’s a brand of ice cream that has 5 ingredients in their vanilla. Vanilla, cream, milk, sugar, egg. I can eat it no problem. Other vanilla ice creams gives me gas and digestion issues - and the one difference is the other always have some texture modifier.

This article mentions carrageen were found to alter gut bacteria — that reminds of the articles from years back where experience us showed cows fed seaweed reduced their methane emissions in their farts, which are a chunk of cattle’s global warming contribution.

  • anenefan an hour ago

    I'm not comfortable with the news item bearing much weight, for their ability to narrow down on any particular culprits they might have well said some fluids burn ...

    Anyhow I wrote a long detailed reply in regard to your mention of vanilla ice cream, in the end, too long and probably tedious to read so instead here's a short answer.

    I too found amongst many food stuffs I could not eat was vanilla ice cream, and for so long a time, viewed the seaweed based additive often listed at fault, even though many other brands and types also list it as an additive. It for some weird how the fuck to I overlook that, never occurred to me maybe it was annatto and its derivatives [0] about 8 years ago, after a life time of suffering, avoiding custards (most egg custard powders use the crap) vanilla ice creams, and until recently some red skinned sausage type food stuffs, fruit drinks ... a long long list of foods depending on country of origin. I am some what predisposed to various food types, and had spent most of my life assuming I was the problem and not part of a wider group.

    The food industry is not backwards in thrusting problem additives eg [1] [2] if it means they can make a few extra bucks. In my parts some are trying hard to hide the addition of annatto by listing it instead as natural colour instead.

    I never had an issue with eating sweet potato but after eating some food over a week that had some cheap nasty version of inulin in it, I had to forgo eating anything with inulin in it ... some months later I found I could enjoy small amounts of sweet potato again.




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